The JVM exposes a range of extremely useful monitoring locations
ObjectName | Attributes | Notes |
java.lang:type=ClassLoading | LoadedClassCount | |
java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=ConcurrentMarkSweep | CollectionTime CollectionCount |
java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=ParNew | CollectionTime CollectionCount |
java.lang:type=Memory | HeapMemoryUsage.commited HeapMemoryUsage.used NonHeapMemoryUsage.commited NonHeapMemoryUsage.used |
java.lang:type=Threading | ThreadCount |
The C3PO connection pool provides detailed JMX instrumentation.
The attributes let you monitor all aspects of the pool the operations are detailed on
Due to C3P0 naming of the beans you have to use a wildcard object name (and if using more that one connection a discrimator) to monitor them.