
The configuration is grouped into sections

Jmx Monitor Global Configuration

A sample file is below


# Stop port and key - telnet to this port and send key to stop it


# Group 1 Configuration
# Poll interval in milliseconds
# Path to monitor configuration
# Path to expressions

The key settings are

  • jmxmonitor.groups = A list of the group configuration files to load. Each group will have
  • jmxmonitor.GROUP_NAME.interval - A polling interval in milliseconds to gather stats. This is the time BETWEEN polls. The time taken gathering stats is ignores. (e.g. if you set this to 5 seconds, and it takes 2 seconds to gather stats you will get output every 7 seconds).
  • jmxmonitor.GROUP_NAME.monitorConfiguration - Path to group level monitor configuration file
  • jmxmonitor.GROUP_NAME.expressionConfiguration - Path to group level expression configuration file
  • jmxmonitor.stopport - A tcp port jmxmonitor will listen on for a stop instruction. This is to make it easier to run as a service.
  • jmxmonitor.stopkey - A string that will cause jmxmonitor to stop when sent to the stop port.
  • jmxmonitor.localJmx - A jmx URL that JMX monitor will expose the local JMX connector on. This can be used to get one jmxmonitor to monitor another, itself or for testing. If ommited it won't start localjmx.
  • jmxmonitor.localRmiPort - the port RMI should start on for local JMX. This MUST match the port used in the jmx URL

Group Level Monitor Configuration

The monitor configuration file defines the *data* being gathered from the monitoring targets. Each file can monitor N urls. For each URL it will gather N attributes containing data. The attributes being gathered can be simple data types OR java objects. This will depend on whoever wrote the JMX MBean you are monitoring.

The way you find out about these attributes is to connect JConsole (or similar) to the JVM and browse them.


  • jmxmonitor.connections - defines the list of URL names to look for in the rest of this file
  • jmxmonitor.URL_NAME.url - defines the JMX URL to connect to
  • jmxmonitor.URL_NAME.ATTRIBUTE_NAME.objectName - Sets the object name to link to this attribute. The object name is the name of the containing MBean in JConsole. You can copy/paste this from Jconsole. These CAN contain wild cards, if this matches more that one bean the discriminator MUST be supplied. These often contain the ',' as this is read with commons-configuration you MUST escape , with \
  • jmxmonitor.URL_NAME.ATTRIBUTE_NAME.attribute - The attribute to monitor
  • jmxmonitor.URL_NAME.ATTRIBUTE_NAME.discriminator - An attribute on the object to discriminate the results. This is for beans that have similar or unpredictable names. A good example is C3P0 which creates beans whose object name consists of a standard string and the object ID. In that case you could have more than one bean matches the wildcard objectName. This field can be used to 'discriminate' between them in the results. In the C3PO example you could use username (for the database). Then if you had two connection pools using different usernames you could monitor them separately.

Group Level Expression Configuration

JMX Monitor gathers all the objects in the monitors file and then exposes them to a scripting enviroment to output results.

The scripting language is *Javascript* (as implemented by the JVM). The scripts are stored in a configuration file.

jmxmonitor.heap="Heap Used " + heap.get("used")
jmxmonitor.ping1="Ping 1 " + ping.get("1")
jmxmonitor.ping2="Ping 2 " + ping.get("2")
  • jmxmonitor.SCRIPT - Each script is a string on a line of the properties file and can refer to the attributes object by name. e.g. heap and ping above.

    In the case of discriminated objects (see above) the object exposed will be a map keyed by the discriminator.

Global Logback Configuration

The output of JMX Monitor is routed via logback. Logback is a logging library that supports a range of output formats (including file, db, console, mail, JMS).

There are essentially 2 sets of logs

  • JMXMonitor itself
  • Expression Output

    All the logs are configured by a logback.xml file. If using the service the default is in /opt/etc/logback.xml. If using the commandline a default is shipped in the jar, but you should override by passing -Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/to/config.xml

    The logback manual is comprehensive

JMX Monitor

JMX Monitor output to the logger ''. It is recommended logging on INFO level somewhere to diagnose issues.

Expression Output

Expressions are output to 'monitoringgroup.GROUP_NAME'. If is recommended to write these with rolling file appenders.