Sun SMF is their alternative to rc.d/inet.d and provides a mechanism for starting a service.
JMX Monitor supports SMF by providing
- An SMF Manfest
- An serivce start/stop script (this file can also be used with inet.d!)
To use as a Sun SMF service
- Extract the distribution into /opt/jmxmonitor
- chown -R nobody /opt/jmxmonitor
- cp /opt/jmxmonitor/bin/jmxmonitor-svc /lib/svc/method
- chmod a+x /opt/jmxmonitor/bin/jmxmonitor-svc
- chmod a+x /opt/jmxmonitor/bin/jmxmonitor
- svccfg validate /opt/jmxmonitor/bin/jmxmonitor.xml
- svccfg install /opt/jmxmonitor/bin/jmxmonitor.xml
It is now installed and will autostart on boot. To start run
- svcadmin enable jmxmonitor
To stop run
- svcadmin disable jmxmonitor
Logs will be written into /opt/jmxmonitor/logs by default and the SMF framework will log into the syslog.
You can get its status by running
- svcs -l jmxmonitor